Book top spas and salons
Spa booking just got smarter. Discover the best spa and hair salon in Singapore and book beauty deals and promotions with them instantly.
- Spa reviews and recommendations
- On-demand panel of beauty advisors
- Discover services by location and when you want it
- Book the service you want 24/7 and on the go
- Enjoy time-based promotions on the most premium spas
- Reminders sent straight to your phone so that you don’t forget
Be part of a beauty and wellness community trusted by your favourite beauty bloggers!
Good news, despite of the nail biting season of GoT, we managed to get some work done and push a major update to the app. This update allows users to search what is available around them, view their businesses profiles and request an appointment directly from the app. We just had to do this, so that when Singapore celebrates it golden jubilee next month, you hair, make up and nails are the best
Stay beautiful - Team GetKlarity
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